Secretary and Manager sponsorship


Period : 2012 – 2013

  • Develop relations between the former and the current students
  • Community management : Facebook, Twitter, Blog, newsletters
As a Secretary, I was in charge of writing meeting reports and I was considered as the association’s image. As a Manager Sponsoring, I had to create pairs with student and alumni. Alumnies had to help students with the internship researches. I was in charge of the facebook page, the twitter account and the newsletters.
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En tant que secrétaire général, je devais écrire les rapports  d’assemblé général et j’étais la représentante de l’association. En tant que responsable parrainage, je devais créer des binômes anciens/etudiants afin que l’ancien puisse aider l’étudiant dans sa recherche de stage. Je devais aussi m’occuper de la page facebook et du compte twitter ainsi que les newsletters.

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